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Information Technology Programs


Certificates :
 Course Duration : 45 Days

Course Overview

The Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification is now one of today�s most well-known entry-level networking credentials. This certification is designed for persons with 1 to 2 years of network engineering expertise. This Cisco certification�s major goal is to give an associate-level certification for networking aficionados and novices who already have some expertise. Students pursuing the CCNA certification must pass tests and get instruction in the setup, maintenance, and troubleshooting of Cisco�s medium networking devices. Learners in this programme are also evaluated and instructed in end-to-end network debugging and setup.

Open the door to new opportunities with our world-class Professional Certificates and Specialisations. Choose from
over 20 different courses to walk straight towards your goals.

Open the door to new opportunities with our world-class Professional Certificates and Specialisations. Choose from over 20 different courses to walk straight towards your goals.